*SRD* Discount Items

It has been harrowing past few months (and currently going to get a lot more busy too), a lot of RL stuff that kept me away from putting out new stuff and the like. Also found out the floor of my store disappeared (and I don’t know why—I was told that some overzealous LL employee deleted all the megaprims made by a certain person) and the store build is missing in my inventory so I can’t replace the store now.

However I’ll be building a new store (God help me) so until then, I’m setting up some discount items to tide you guys over until the build is over. I’ll try to put up some new stuff in between, as I really really need to, but until then some lolita and fantasy outfits will be set out as discounted items (also the proceeds will go to help me buy the sculpted windows and doors I need..gah!).

Once the build is up, the sale will most likely be over and those items will be taken out of the grid (but not out of SL Marketplace–sale not applicable there).

Just look for the glowy wall and the equally glowy sign indicating the discount items. 🙂

**Note: Discount Items only applies to the Main Store Only.

To visit my Main Store, click here.

~ ❤ ~

*SRD* Holiday Sale

When you’re older and you live in a Catholic country, Christmas is equivalent to Holy Week where you punish yourself to atone for your sins. 😐

At this rate, I highly doubt I am going to get anything done so I’ll be holding a 50-60% off saleSelected Items Only until January 1, 2011. It’s going to be a sort of hunt so you’ll need to find out what items are on sale and stuff. I’ll be adding one to several items on sale every day until then, with a random freebie somewhere in the store on the 25th. So watch out for that.

You darlings have a wonderful Christmas, Happy Holidays and try not to blow yourself up during New Year. 🙂

Working Gal

I don’t know why sometimes but the simpler the dress the more I feel like I’m struggling to get it right. There’s something about the simplicity of clothing that mayhaps tend to stump me. It’s the same kind of thing I get when I design men’s clothes, which is probably why it takes me forever to make them.

Working Girl, is the latest in my attempt at making the Moga look, Prohibition inspired obviously.

The outfit includes: Jacket w/ Blouse, Jacket only (jacket), Blouse only (jacket & shirt), glitchpants (pants & underpants), prim skirt (scripted & non-scripted), sculpted prim sleeves, & sculpted clotche hat.

You can choose from five (5) colors: Chocolate, Ebony, Peach, Purple & Teal at L$400 each.

A fatpack is available at L$1,200.


My items are also available in XStreet SL, just click here to see my list of items.

To visit my Main Store, click here.

If you visit my Taisho store in Roman, you can avail for the discounted versions of this outfit with the outfit costing L$250 each and the fatpack at L$800.

Click here to visit my Taisho Store.

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On other news, I’ll be holding a half-priced  sale on selected items in my Main Store from 7:00pm July 29, 2009 – 7:00pm July 30, 2009 (SLT). This is going to be a “Cold Storage” sale, as the discounted items will be taken off from the shelves in-world and will only be available at XStreet SL after.

The sale is limited to the Main Store only.

~ ❤ ~

*Edit to add: I’ve fixed up the linked vendors in both my Main Store and my store in Caledon. Ugh I feel so silly now.